Thursday, September 14, 2006

Why Buddhism isn't an "ism"?

Is Buddhism a religion? Is a philosophy system? Is a new age trend?
Well, first, any religion must have a God, a creator God, isn't it? Buddhism hasn't got such a God. Any religion is based in a dogma of faith, Buddhism isn't.
Any religion have killed and tortured in order to get more followers...Buddhism never have done such a thing.

So, now you can start to get some conclusions by yourself.

1. Some religions talk about human things, most of them are more interested on celestial stuff than in human affairs.
2. Buddhism is, may be, a Path. A path to find the Truth, and that Truth is not something you can force anyone to understand, but rather to invite to try.

What is that Truth?
Scientists found it many times, but arrogance is the poison of the well educated-academic people. That Truth is simply this: there is nothing that can last forever. There is suffering in our daily lives. There is no self like a separated entity (this means: everyone is connected somehow).
Let me know what do you think.
With palms together

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